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circumnavigating the ancient borders of Bohemia


M. Pantscharowitch

Pictures from the saddle










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The Bohemian Border Bash Race is a serious unsupported, single-stage ultra-endurance on & off-road cycling adventure. Although, it takes place in the heart of Europe, it should not be underestimated as it requires not only the ability to cycle for extended periods of time but also knowledge and experience of being self-reliant in a mountain environment. 

BBBR is an adventure where you can compete, but remember, within this journey lies the beauty of simply relishing the path you tread, embracing the moments, and finding joy in the experience itself. So, compete fiercely, yet savor every step, for in this adventure, the thrill is not just in the race but in the magnificent journey itself.

The start is at sunrise on Saturday, 31.8.2024.

Cut-off time is Saturday, 7.9. at sunset.


The Race is a fixed route, unsupported, single-stage ultra-endurance on & off-road cycling competition. It will start and end in Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland National Park. The route will follow the ancient borderlands of Bohemia via the remnants of centuries-old road networks that still exist to this day. The riders will compete on their approximately 1300km long journey circumnavigating Bohemia, crossing back and forth along national borders, and riding through Germany, Austria, Poland, and the Czech Republic. With over 24,000m of climbing, it will be a test of each rider's abilities and a true adventure - a race able to rival ultra-endurance events on faraway continents, yet here, in the middle of Europe. 

The Race's start and finish will occur at the same place we use for the Border Bash Bohemia Gravel Camp. You can expect a warm welcome in the camp full of understanding cyclists. 

All racers will be required to carry a satellite tracker to log their race track and aid in locating any competitor in need of emergency assistance. It will be a self-supported race. Racers will not be able to ask for or accept any help along the way. But even though much of the course will wind through less developed areas, the nature of locating The Race in the heart of Europe means there will be numerous points for public resupply close to and along the route. 



Race start: August 31, 2024 at sunrise. 

Cut-off time: September 7, 2024 at sunset. 

Start location: Border Bash Bohemia Gravel Camp

Location name: "Kemp u Ferdinanda"

Address: Srbská Kamenice 148, 407 15 Srbská Kamenice, Czechia

GPS: 50.8371072N, 14.3567678E

What is included:

The race and organization. 

A finish during the Border Bash Bohemia Gravel Camp. No other ultra-race can offer a better finish and atmosphere. 

Breakfast before the start. (Saturday morning.) 

Finishers' party, including a live band and the signature medieval show. 

Saturday night dinner. (Before the finishers' party.) 

BBQ on Saturday. (During the finishers' party.)

If you finish before the included dinner on Saturday night or you quit and return to the camp early, you will pay €35 a day, including breakfast, dinner, and camping fees. 

Entry fee:

Solo entry 300€

Team entry 600€  

Arriving by train:
Trains from Dresden (Germany) or Decin (Czechia) stop at Schöna station. Take the ferry (50m from the station, €2.50) across the river Elbe/Labe. You will find yourself in Hrensko. Follow the road into the woods. It is only an 18.8km long ride.
International trains from Berlin or Prague stop in Bad Schandau. You can cycle from the train station to the event. It is a 29km long ride. There is a ferry service from Bad Schandau to Hrensko as well.


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